Way back in March, for World Water Day, we wrote this post about Scott Harrison, founder of Charity:Water, and his dream to build wells around the world to provide clean drinking water for those who still go without. His Tap Project and many other events are an amazing example of how someone tackles "the impossible".
But, he hasn't stopped with World Water Day. Using his birthday (and the anniversary of his founding of Charity: Water) as a fabulous excuse for a new campaign, he provided a well for a hospital in Kenya last year with gifts from 90 friends. Today, on his 33rd birthday, he drilled a well in Ethiopia , the first of the 333 he hopes to drill (it's his 33rd birthday). More here!
Kudos to Cammi Walker, Founder of the 29-Day Giving Challenge, who invited all of her fellow Challenge givers to contribute to Charity: Water for her Dad's September birthday. How could anyone turn down such a triple whammy way to give: safe drinking water for people who don't have it, a Dad, and the Giving Challenge all at once? I signed up. Then, I sent the links to my college son who's birthday is in September (and he may be receiving a gift receipt for a donation, also). You can donate through the 29-Gifts site here or at Charity: Water, here.
If you are a September birthday, or know someone who is, here's a chance to celebrate with Scott: