Yay! I'm not stuck any more. I'm totally jazzed about some upcoming cool organizations and people for you to meet who are creating new possibilities for changing the world. And, I'm ready for HumanKind Challenge #4.
Way back at the beginning when we began our posts about the possibility of ending poverty in the next decade, we (Liz and I) always wanted the blog to have a giving component. We began, fittingly, with HumanKind Challenge #1, which generated a few hundred bednets (thanks to a generous match by Paul Friedrichs) donated to Malaria No More. We still have a few nets donated on our site every month from generous HumanKind readers. From HK Challenge #1 I learned there's only one thing more fulfilling and worthwhile than giving to a cause I believe in--it's collaborating with a community (like our little HumanKind Media community) to contribute to healing the world.
I'd like to claim this next challenge as my own idea, but it's not. Speaking of cool people, Cami Walker is the originator of the on-line incarnation of the 29-Day Giving Challenge. Read her amazing story here. Her description of the concept is simply this: "Give one thing away each day for 29 days. Why? Because to see the world change, we have to do something to change the world."
I heard about this from one of my favorite "changebloggers" (she actually coined this term herself, she's so amazing), Britt Bravo of HaveFunDoGood. Britt started her 29 days with her readers in April and ended it with this inspiring reflection (which includes a great video). It was that post that got me thinking about doing my own 29 days. I was all set to start by myself this week, but wait a minute...I remembered what I've been learning about changing the world. It's more fun with friends.
If you'd like to hear more about it, you can read Britt's post, Cami's story, and the 29-Day Giving Challenge .
I'm starting my 29 days on Sunday, June 1. I'd love for the HumanKind Media community of readers and change makers to join me. For fun, I've set up a group on the 29-Day Challenge page here. I'll be posting a one or two sentence update there each day about my giving experiences and would love to hear from you if you decide to participate, too.
Cami says her goal is to inspire at least 2,000 people to commit to the 29-Day Giving Challenge by 7/29/08. I bet we can help with that.
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I just donated a net to "Malaria No More". I figure better late than never, and I'm certain they haven't run out of mosquitos yet. I also signed up for the 29 day challenge. Keep up the good work!
Posted by: Keely H. | May 30, 2008 at 04:16 PM