Liz is off writing this week for a living, and I am editorially unsupervised. Consider yourselves warned for the week. Last week I found this video that, even if you saw it last year when it got a gazillion hits, is worth visiting again. It's amazing, alarming, intimidating, and exciting all at the same time. It also has that favorite quote of mine by Einstein.
There's a more updated, powerful presentation of facts here (but I like the music in the first one best). Also, you can read the wiki by the teachers who created it. The video inspires me because I can see the possibilities for becoming a global community to solve those problems Einstein was talking about in a new way of thinking.
This is why we blog.
Speaking of which, it's a mere four and a half months (but who's counting) since we landed on the scene, extended our invitation to participate in our version of media, and launched, all excited about the possibilities for ending extreme poverty in the world.
Recently, four months and many topics later, Typepad notified us that we will be a Featured Typepad Site in a few weeks. (We are very excited about this). Also, last week our free subscriptions hit a modest but big number for us. There has been much jumping up and down around here--fruits of labor.
When we did our first HumanKind Challenge , mosquito-proof bednets to help end the poverty/disease cycle in Africa, Paul Friedrichs, owner of a Kansas City, Missouri, mosquito and fly abatement company canvassed his community, clients, and friends, and together they contributed hundreds of nets (and are still going). We had another hundred or two one- and two-net donations and Malaria No More is still reporting monthly donations from the challenge. A dear friend even donated a mosquito net in my name for my birthday last month. Odd as it sounds, I was thrilled to receive a mosquito net as a gift.
HumanKind Challenge #3, our Humankind Peace Map is moving into 4 digit numbers (an optimistic way to say we've passed 1000.) Granted, many of them are still in Witchita, (time for Dayton to open a new branch of the Peace Museum we think). If you haven't put your name/alias on the map or you're still in Kansas and don't belong there, sign up or move your pin. (For fun you can zoom in and see how many dots are in Brooklyn by Liz or by the Peace Museum in Dayton.) And if you have a friend who's not on the map, send them the link to HumanKind Challenge #3 so they can see what we're up to and put their pin on the map.
I'm still painting and cleaning at my house. Every new project spawns 5 more. I found an old journal entry from a year and a half ago when I had just imagined HumanKind Media, and I left myself a note for the future: "I hope you did this [start HumanKind Media]. And, if you didn't do it, it's not to late to start now." So like me! Giving advice to my future self.
I'm so glad we started, despite how impossible it looked at the time, and I'm very happy you're here. Now that you know Shift Happens (you did watch the video didn't you?), you can see what's possible.
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