It's not often I read something on CNN that makes me want to jump out of my seat and cheer -- actually, that would be never -- but today, it happened!
The site published a story today about Kate Roberts, a young advertising executive who realized that while she was an expert at selling stuff to kids, she was only selling things that hurt them, not helped them: gum, soda, cigarettes. Junk. It was, in short, a colossal waste of global media -- and of her own unique talents and abilities.
So Kate ditched that lucrative career and founded YouthAIDS. Now she builds media campaigns "that use pop culture, corporate America, and celebrities" to get life-saving information to people all over the world.
It might seem a little weird to you that I'm writing about this on HumanKind. And pointing you to the mainstreamiest of mainstream media sources, no less. But I was so blown away to see one of our core messages -- the incredible power of global media can actually be wielded for good -- appear so explicity on a web site that gets millions of hits every day, and I wanted to share it with you as an example of what good media with massive reach can do.
Just don't click on the gossip headlines. (Hah!)